"reference" - Reference to the file from the Legislative Observatory "codification" - codification or not "repeal" - repeal or not "recast" - recast or not "comdg" - reponsible Commission DG "month" - month of proposal "duration" - legislative duration in days (non-completed ones with NA) "consult" - whether the stem 'consult' was found "Online" - online consultation "Forums" - forum type of consultation (see text) "Gated" - consulation with restricted access (see text) "Manlabor" - consultation of management and labour "Advice" - consultation of advisory committees "Informal" - informal consultation "Euagency" - consultation with EU bodies and agencies "type" - type of legislative act "amendment" - new or amending legislative act "recitals" - number of recitals "nlegalbas" - number of legal bases "numbersubjects" - number of subjects "npolgroup" - number of political groups "ncom" - number of EP committees "epamend" - number of EP amendments "durationS" - legislative duration in days (non-completed ones have the date of observation as a final date)